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Assam-o-Alikum  Sir,

In DHIS-2 Software While Creating a Data Entry form I have to Create a Clone
Of some data elements that can be repeated in the Form:

Below is the Example , Kindly Explain a way to achieve this kind of
functionality in data entry form .




For Example :


table row 1: 

 Name : Text Field ,  Name : Text Field ,  Name : Text Field ,  Name : Text
Field  : Add Button


On Click of button table row 2 created with these data elements again and
with delete button.


After Add Click :

This Will be the Result :

table row 1: 

 Name : Text Field ,  Name : Text Field ,  Name : Text Field ,  Name : Text
Field  : Add Button

table row 2: 

 Name : Text Field ,  Name : Text Field ,  Name : Text Field ,  Name : Text
Field  : Delete Button


After Delete Click :

new row deleted

