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dhis self-service app store is available


Hi all,

the new self-service app store for DHIS 2 is available today. You can find
it here:


The app store lets you sign in and upload your own apps. You can find
detailed instructions for uploading apps here:


The basics of uploading an app:

1. *Sign in* using your Google account ID from the top-right corner.
2. Click *Upload* in the left side menu, enter all app info and select your
app ZIP bundle.
3. Click *Upload* and await approval by the DHIS 2 team.
4. You can later add more *images* and additional *versions* of your app.

The apps must be i) generic, meaning usable not just by a single instance
of DHIS 2 but any instance and ii) have an open source license, allowing
others to use it free of charge.

We hope that this will encourage the developer community to create generic
apps and share them with others through the app store. This initiative
should remove bottleneck of manual upload by the DHIS 2 team and allow for
self-service upload and maintenance of apps.

As always feedback is appreciated - please use the users list for
questions, comments and feedback on the new app store.

best regards,

the DHIS 2 development team

Lars Helge Øverland
Lead developer, DHIS 2
University of Oslo
Skype: larshelgeoverland
http://www.dhis2.org <https://www.dhis2.org/>

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