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Re: Entering data using Mobile (Smartphone) module



I think it's just assigning setup.
On Android and Web browser on smartphone (Smartphone app), you have assign
a user to specific orgUnit which also has dataSet assigned to.

For example:
Your dataSet is assign to level 3, then you also need to assign the user to
level 3. On web version, if you assign user to level 1, you can do data
entry for level 2,3,4, but on Smartphone app and Android app, you can't.

Some experiences, hope it can help you!

On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 4:25 AM, Mike Johnson <mjohnson@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Is anyone able to help me troubleshoot a problem with the browser-based
> mobile client (smartphone) in Chrome and Firefox.
> When entering data using the URL: /*dhis/mobile/data-entry*, I am
> receiving this error: "No organisation units available for data entry." The
> server is logging a java.lang.NullPointerException
> If I try to enter data in a dataset at Level 1 or Level 2, there is no
> error. If the dataset is at Level 3 or 4 in the hierarchy, the error is
> flagged. In an Incognito Browser window, the browser redirects to /
> *dhis/mobile/index* automatically and the error disappears.
> I have tested this with multiple users, brand new users, and different
> user roles, including superuser role. If a superuser has access to datasets
> for Org Units at Level 1 and Level 2, then other users who sign in on the
> same browser will also have access to enter data at these levels until the
> cache is cleared. Then the error message about organization units will be
> shown.
> I entered a bug report (https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-2013 ) in
> case this is something others are experiencing.
> Thank you for your assistance!
> *Mike Johnson, MSc*
> Senior Analyst | Monitoring, Evaluation, and Quality Improvement
> Partners In Health
> Skype: mjohnson@xxxxxxx | Phone: 857.206.5246
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*Em Le Hong*
DHIS2 Implementation| *HISP Vietnam *
em.hispvietnam@xxxxxxxxx | *Skype:* em.hispvietnam@xxxxxxxxx
