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Message #14559
Re: Attributeoptioncombo use in indicators
Thank you Georgi for your response.
So I guess the answer is that you cannot reference a specific
dataelement+attributeoptioncombo when setting up an indicator in order to
calculate a very specific rate. Disaggregation in the report will in this
case not work as far as I can see because the denominator is not
disaggregated by that attributeoptioncombo. I just wanted to make very sure
that was not missing a feature in DHIS2 which I was not aware of.
But thanks again for taking the time to respond.
Much appreciated
On 31 October 2017 at 10:37, Georgi Chakarov <georgi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi Ant,
> The attribute category combo will appear as an additional dimension in the
> reporting apps. By default, your indicator will be aggregated for all
> attribute categories, but you can disaggregate the data selecting the
> additional data dimension in reports.
> See a screenshot below. I have assigned an attribute cat combo to
> determine the time of survey submission (baseline, program end, etc.). In
> pivot tables I can disaggregate my data (indicators as well) by this
> dimension. I hope this helps.
> *From:* Dhis2-users [mailto:dhis2-users-bounces+georgi=
> logicaloutcomes.net@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] *On Behalf Of *Ant Snyman
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 31, 2017 10:14 AM
> *To:* DHIS 2 Users list <dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> *Subject:* [Dhis2-users] Attributeoptioncombo use in indicators
> Dear DHIS2 community,
> We have data that is disaggregated by both categoryoptioncombo's and
> attributeoptioncombo's. When setting up indicators it is clear how to
> reference a dataelement's specific categoryoptioncombo (dataelement_uid"."categoryoptioncombo_uid).
> Is it possible to likewise reference a specific attributeoptioncombo within
> an indicator?
> Thank you
> *Ant Snyman*
> *Cell: 0824910449*
> *Landline: 028 2713242*
> [image: Image removed by sender.]
> Health Information Systems Program - SA
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*Ant Snyman*
*Cell: 0824910449*
*Landline: 028 2713242*
Health Information Systems Program - SA
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