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Re: Added temporary fix for initial values for convection-diffusion. [...]


There are two kinds of derivatives to consider: one is the derivative of the basis functions with respect to the spatial coordinates, and the other is the derivative of the spatial coordinates with respect to the reference coordinates (and the reverse). I make no assumptions about the first being constant (which would imply linear basis functions). I do make assumptions in the second case (which simply says that your physical element is an affine image of the reference element.

I read a paper from Robert Kirby about matrix evaluations. It
assumed that the Jacobian for an element is constant, even for
higher order elements. Will you adopt this assumption in Dolfin?

Yes, but only initially. Once we have everything in place for standard
Lagrange elements of arbitrary order (the missing part is to generate
the dof maps for higher order elements correctly), we will start
adding support for other elements and maps, including nonconforming
Crouzeix-Raviart, Hermite, Nedelec, BDM, BDFM, Taylor-Hood, ...

