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Re: FEM programming


Dear Mohammad,

that should be no problem. Take a look at the current module for
convection-diffusion that is available in DOLFIN. The code is in the


I recommend that you use DOLFIN instead of Puffin, since DOLFIN is C++
and much more powerful.

Two solve a differential equation with DOLFIN, you need to specify a
variational formulation of your problem. If you have two equations,
you can specify two variational formulations and couple them together
(by fixed-point iteration). A variational formulation is implemented
with the help of a special compiler for variational forms called FFC.
You can find both DOLFIN and FFC on the FEniCS web site:


You also need two install the program FIAT, which FFC depends on.

There is no manual yet for any of the programs, but maybe you can
understand how the programs work anyway. Ask me again if something is

Best wishes

On Sat, May 07, 2005 at 09:19:20PM +0430, Mohammad Izadi wrote:
> Dear  Andres,
> As Dr Asadzadeh implied you, I want to help me in space-time streamline
> diffusion finite element implementation; I want to know, can we solve
> coupling of two conservation laws with Dolfin or Puffin? i.e., it is
> possible to develope these library to do my work.
> Please guide me.
> Thank you for your time and consideration.
> All the best,
> M. Izadi.
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> + Mohammad Izadi(Mr)                      +
> + MSc Student Of Applied Mathematics      +
> + Institute For Advanced Studies In       +
> + Basic Sciences (IASBS)                  +
> + Zanjan-Iran                             +
> + P.O.Box: 45195 - 1159                    +
> + T:(+98)  241-4152 126 (Office)          +
> + E-mail: m.izadi@xxxxxxxxxxx             +
> + Web:www.iasbs.ac.ir/Mathematics/Students+
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Anders Logg
Research Assistant Professor
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago