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Re: Notification from dolfin-kth repository


Johan Jansson wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 26, 2006 at 02:39:48PM +0200, Garth N. Wells wrote:
>> Repositories are so easy to make, so just make some local ones to share
>> developments against the stable version.
> Ok, but then we're in agreement, since this is exactly what dolfin-kth
> is. 

>I think it's a good idea though to cc notifications to dolfin-dev,
> because there might be changes in local repositories  which are not
> only module-specific, 

Shouldn't these changes be made in DOLFIN?

and it's interesting for others to see what's
> going on.

I looked at the log for dolfin-kth, and couldn't see why most of the
work (which is by Johan J.) isn't done directly in DOLFIN?

>>> There's also the case
>>> where a feature/fix might not yet exist in a release. One example is
>>> that DOLFIN cannot use a locally installed Boost (if there also exists
>>> an older system-installed version) with the latest release. This was a
>>> requirement for using DOLFIN in the Linux environment at KTH
>>> (CSC/NADA).
>> This doesn't happen very often, and when it does you can backport the
>> change (the Boost problems is just a few lines in configure.ac), or you
>> decide to move to the development version (and keep it fixed).
>> Any approach that doesn't involve a fork will have some difficulties,
>> but I don't think that they are that significant.
>> Garth
> Perhaps not, but it's still a lot better to be able to point people to
> a specific version (or changeset) than to tell people to download an
> old version and then make changes here and there.

I agree. What about more frequent releases then? Would that help? If the
latest release needs to be patched to get something working, let's make
a release.


> Note that a branch is not a fork. Most major projects have several
> branches.
>   Johan
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