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Re: [FFC-dev] dof locations


Martin Sandve Alnæs wrote:
On 12/5/06, Garth N. Wells <g.n.wells@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Martin Sandve Alnæs wrote:
>> The partition is related to this. Entries in a matrix associated with a
>> particular partition are formed on the process to which the mesh
>> partition belongs - no problems there. But you need to make sure
>> (through the dof numbering) that (nearly) all of the terms computed by a
>> process are also stored by that process.
> In the index_set built in the beforementioned algorithm, all nodes
> related to a cell partition are included. Nodes shared between two
> processes (partitions) are stored on both processes. This is
> independent of the global dof numbering.
> During the assembly, I'm not sure matrix->SumIntoGlobalValues(...)
> does any communication at all. At the end of assembly there is a call
> I didn't mention, matrix->GlobalAssemble(), which does the
> communication of shared values which are then added together.
>> The FFC mapping for vector-valued equations is particularly unsuited to
>> this as two unknowns corresponding to a single node (say x and y
>> components) are located far from each other (the distance is 1/2 of the
>> matrix size).
> I don't see this as being the same issue.

>Which nodes reside on a
> particular process is defined by the cell partition, independent of
> the global dof numbering.

The cell partition determines by which process the contribution of a
cell is computed. The degree of freedom numbering determines to which
process the matrix entry belongs. Consider a 2n x 2n matrix stored on
two processes,

   Prcocess 0  | A  B |
   Prcocess 1  | C  D |

were the sub-matrices A and B reside on process 0, and C and D reside on
process 1. All sub-matrices have size n x n. Consider a cell in the
middle of partition 0 and it's local degrees of freedom (0, 1, 2) map to
(n+1, n+2, n+3) in the global matrix. The contribution of this cell is
computed on process 0, but for matrix assembly it is communicated to
process 1.  I don't know Epetra, but I suspect that GlobalAssemble()
performs this communication.

First about vectors only:
Epetra_Map can be constructed at least two different ways.

One way gives a linear map like you describe, where the first n/2
vector entries are mapped to process 0 and the next n/2 entries to
process 1.

The other way, which I use with my index_set, is something like this
(from memory):

int n = index_set.size();
int *my_indices = new int[n];
fill my_indices from index_set (dof partition)
epetra_map = new Epetra_Map(my_indices, n, ...)

This way, Epetra allows a distribution of vector entries that is not
contiguous in the global vector. In other words, while
my_local_vector[i] and my_local_vector[i+1] is contiguous in memory in
the local process, the corresponding entries in my_global_vector may
not be.

Isn't having the global vector (and corresponding matrices) as contiguous as possible the key to efficiency? If it's not, I think that the performance will be very poor. A lot of communication will be required for basic operations such as matrix-vector multiplications. Constructing good mesh partitions won't help if you don't renumber the degrees of freedom to reflect the partitioning.


For CRS matrices, you must define an Epetra_CrsGraph which will hold
both the sparsity pattern and a Ep_Map for the row space and
optionally the column space of the matrix.


Follow ups
