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Re: Problem with PyDolfin on MacOSX


Nice try, but I think I have a fairly good understanding of which python
being used, as I have sym-linked the fink-version very early in my PATH. I
have not done much with either macpython or the factory installed python;
but you have a point there - it could be that the auto* system somehow
detect the factory installed python for some purposes, while I use the fink
installed python to run stuff. I'll investigate that further!

And Merry Christmas to you, Andy!

On 12/23/06, Andy Terrel <aterrel@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hmm I thought I found every error under the sun installing this stuff on
my macBook, I guess not.  Does your python interpreter start up
normally?  If you have messed around with the macpython versus the fink
versions, I found somethings get installed in completely different
places and some links might be pointing to the wrong place.  To check
the version stuff you might send me what "python -v" spits out to me.


Mandus wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem with pydolfin. When doing something like:
>  python -c 'import dolfin'
> I get:
>  Fatal Python error: Interpreter not initialized (version mismatch?)
>  Abort trap
> Have anyone seen something like that before?
> btw, this is on MacOSX 10.4, python2.4 from fink.
> (I should probably be the one who answer questions like this, but,
> hey, there may be someone else out there!)
> Merry Christmas
> --
> Mandus
> The only dr. Mandus around.
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The only dr. Mandus around.
