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Alessio Quaglino wrote:
Alessio Quaglino wrote:Alessio Quaglino wrote:- I don't know how to set the variable DOLFIN_VERSION present in init.cppDOLFIN_VERSION is a #define (see src/kernel/main/dolfin/constants.h).Yes sorry, the compiler actually says that the PACKAGE_VERSION variable is undefined. I managed to compile and link everything (using default BLAS libraries and I still haven't checked if UMFPACK works), however I still have quite big problems since my code runs very slowly (compared to linux) and almost gets stuck in the lump() routine because it takes ages.Are you using uBLAS or PETSc? If you're using uBLAS, check the compiler flags and make sure that you have -DNDEBUG. Otherwise, anything to do with uBLAS will be dead slow.Yes, thanks. It seems VS had the similar flag -NDEBUG which helped quite a lot. I was also wondering if I could use some optimized BLAS like ATLAS.DOLFIN doesn't use BLAS, but it may be used by libraries which DOLFIN uses, such as PETSc and UMFPACK. uBLAS doesn't use BLAS.Just to be sure, since understanding how to use PETSc in VS will be cumbersome and time-consuming, if I switch to PETSc I can completelyforget about uBLAS and get a faster implementation?
No and no. DOLFIN is dependent on UMFPACK, and PETSc is not necessarily faster. The reason for using PETSc is to permit parallel computation and access to a wide range of solvers and preconditioners.
Garth Are there any
drawbacks coming from this choice (I suppose so, otherwise one would never use uBLAS)? Thanks, AlessioGarthIs ATLAS independent from BOOST or do I need to have both installed? AlessioGarthIt would be helpful if you submitted your fixes as an hg bundle (or a series of small bundles, one for each set of fixes). I'm on parental leave until the end of November so I have limited bandwidth, but someone else should be able to pick it up.I signed up to the FEniCS wiki so that I'll be able to add a short guide. Alessio/AndersAlessio _______________________________________________ DOLFIN-dev mailing list DOLFIN-dev at DOLFIN-dev mailing list DOLFIN-dev at DOLFIN-dev mailing list DOLFIN-dev at DOLFIN-dev mailing list DOLFIN-dev@xxxxxxxxxx
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