On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 10:22:41PM -0500, Gideon Simpson wrote:
Scratch that. I discovered COMSOL does something very nice that boosts the
quality of its results. If I have a curved boundary on my geometry, COMSOL
will interpolate the associated quadrature on the cells along that boundary to
improve accuracy. When I turn that feature off, the results are consistent
with what I'm getting from FEniCS.
But the question remains: are there any benchmarks?
I think Andy Terrel did a few benchmarks which were actually for
Stokes. Lot's of things have happened since, but if he reads this he
can probably point you to a copy of his master thesis on the subject.
Although I don't have any numbers, I expect the assembly of the linear
system to be very fast in DOLFIN (or we did something wrong and can
fix it).
For the linear solve, we just trust PETSc and the preconditioners
available there.
For the method, it's up to you to formulate it using any of the
elements available in DOLFIN. The speed/accuracy will depend on the
choice of element.