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More errors



The buildbot detected some more errors when running swig:
dolfin/la/PETScMatrix.h:43: Warning(401): Base class 'PETScObject' undefined. dolfin/la/PETScObject.h:19: Warning(401): 'PETScObject' must be defined before it is used as a base class. dolfin/la/PETScVector.h:38: Warning(401): Base class 'PETScObject' undefined. dolfin/la/PETScObject.h:19: Warning(401): 'PETScObject' must be defined before it is used as a base class. dolfin/ode/ODE.h:78: Warning(473): Returning a pointer or reference in a director method is not recommended. dolfin/ode/ODE.h:81: Warning(473): Returning a pointer or reference in a director method is not recommended.

Some of these have been there since before the weekend (mentioned before), and some are new.



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