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Re: swig warning


On Fri, Apr 04, 2008 at 01:42:52PM +0200, Ilmar Wilbers wrote:
> I get the following error when swig'ing the wrapper:
> dolfin/ode/ODE.h:78: Warning(473): Returning a pointer or reference in a 
> director method is not recommended.
> dolfin/ode/ODE.h:81: Warning(473): Returning a pointer or reference in a 
> director method is not recommended.
> ilmar

This is caused by the following two methods:

  /// Compute Jacobian matrix J (optional)
  virtual Matrix& Jmatrix(const uBlasVector& u, real t);

  /// Compute LHS matrix M (optional)
  virtual Matrix& Mmatrix(real t);

I don't recognize these two. Can we remove them and the stuff in
MonoAdaptiveJacobian::update()? It seems to be special purpose code
for cG(1)/dG(0).

