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Use of LinearSolver


LinearSolver is now a general wrapper for all linear solvers
(rather than a base class for linear solvers). Creating a LinearSolver
and reusing it instead of calling solve() multiple times gives
about 5% speedup.

It's a subclass of Parametrized, meaning that it's possible to set
parameters. For example, it should be possible to do

  LinearSolver solver(gmres, amg);
  solver.set("Krylov relative tolerance", 1e-6);
  solver.set("Krylov absolute tolerance". 1e-6);
  solver.solve(A, x, b);

and have those parameters passed on to the backend (for example

For those of you interested in setting special parameters to different
backends, the available parameters are listed in


and they are accessed in the different backends by for example

  tol = get("Krylov relative tolerance");

Supply a patch if there are parameters you think are missing.

We probably should not support all parameters for all backends.


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