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Re: Symlinking umfpack libraries in hardy


Not sure, I don't even have the .so.1-files in Hardy, and I am using the same packages as you are. You recompiled dolfin after upgrading, I assume? Try to delete the umfpack.pc file from the previous dolfin installation (from before the upgrade) so that a new one is created.

There have been a few changes is the structuring of blas I recall, but cannot remember what they were.


Johan Hake wrote:

After upgradeing from gutsy to Hardy I had to symlink some umfpack libraries in /usr/lib to run any dolfin demos.

/usr/lib/libumfpack.so.1 -> libumfpack.so.3.1.0
/usr/lib/libamd.so.1 -> libamd.so.3.1.0

I have the libraries from libsuitesparse-dev.

Kristoffer Selim did also just do an upgrade and in additional to the above mentioned links he also needed to symlink libblas.

Any clues of what went wrong?

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