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mtl4 sandbox


It's now easy to play with the sandbox programs in


All you need to do is set the environment variable MTL4_DIR to point to the MTL4 source, and then run scons in the relevant directory.

What's clear is that we should take a look at the efficiency of the sparsity computation. In particular, there are some virtual functions calls which can possibly be avoided, or at least minimised. Even when using MTL4 for general problems it will be necessary to compute some form of a sparsity pattern to estimate the number of nonzeros per row.

It would be useful to use the same assembler for MTL4 as is used for other linear algebra backends to see what influence that has.

The results for uninitialised MTL4 matrices are indeed impressive, as is the re-assembly time for Navier-Stokes.

uBLAS and PETSc deliver almost identical performance for all tests.


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