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ilmar Ilmar Wilbers wrote:
OK, I'm sorry for spamming, but I'm getting a bit frustrated, I think it is time to go home. But could someone please explain me this: Running python scons/simula-scons/simula_scons/pkgconfiggenerators/ results in the following commands being run: g++ -I../../SuiteSparse/UMFPACK/Include -I../../SuiteSparse/AMD/Include -I../../SuiteSparse/UFconfig umfpack_config_test_include.cpp -L/usr/lib/atlas -lblas -L../../SuiteSparse/UMFPACK/Lib -lumfpack -L../../SuiteSparse/AMD/Lib -lamd g++ -I../../SuiteSparse/UMFPACK/Include -I../../SuiteSparse/AMD/Include -I../../SuiteSparse/UFconfig -c umfpack_config_test_lib.cpp g++ -L/usr/lib/atlas -lblas -L../../SuiteSparse/UMFPACK/Lib -lumfpack -L../../SuiteSparse/AMD/Lib -lamd umfpack_config_test_lib.o The first two are always successfull, whereas the last ones causes the linking error. But when writing: g++ umfpack_config_test_lib.o -L/usr/lib/atlas -lblas -L../../SuiteSparse/UMFPACK/Lib -lumfpack -L../../SuiteSparse/AMD/Lib -lamd instead of g++ -L/usr/lib/atlas -lblas -L../../SuiteSparse/UMFPACK/Lib -lumfpack -L../../SuiteSparse/AMD/Lib -lamd umfpack_config_test_lib.o that is, moving umfpack_config_test_lib.o directly after g++, it works. Could someone please explain this to me? ilmari get the exact same error when using the umfpack i downloaded manually... i don't get it. ilmar Ilmar Wilbers wrote:it seems the problem has been there earlier. it is always good fun when you are googling for a solution and it points back to the dolfin-dev mailinglist i tried johannes' suggestion, but i still get the linking error ilmar Ilmar Wilbers wrote:well, i am currently updating it is for older systems, or systems without package managers. i have had some questions from people who use some linux distros that are not quite as common. here, the umfpack from petsc is used. ilmar Garth N. Wells wrote:Ilmar Wilbers wrote:I cannot figure this one out. To me, it seems that petsc doesn't build umfpack so that we can use it with dolfin. I am trying to update the wiki with the detailed instructions. The nice feature of using the umfpack that comoes with petsc is that one doesn't need to download and configure/ make three different packages (umfpack/ amd/ ufconfig).But UMFPACK comes as a package for all mainstream Linux distributions and for OSX through fink, so why do you want to build it? A more worthwhile pursuit would be getting PETSc to use the installed UMFPACK. I had a quick go at this, but didn't pursue it. GarthWill leave this untill someone can tell we what I am doing wrong. ilmarI am trying to use the umfpack that came with petssc. Petsc is configured as follows: ./config/ --with-mpi-dir=$INSTALL_PATH --with-clanguage=cxx --download-hypre=yes --enable-hypre=1 --download-umfpack=yes --enable-umfpack=1 --enable-shared=1 What options do I need to give to scons? I tried setting the variable UMFPACK_DIR to $PETSC_DIR/externalpackages/UMFPACKv4.3/linux-gnu-cxx-debug/UMFPACK I also tried to add $PETSC_DIR/externalpackages/UMFPACKv4.3/linux-gnu-cxx-debug/UMFPACK/Lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, still without success (Anders thought this wasn't necessary as petsc was configured with enable-shared). I keep getting a linking error when running the package config generator: umfpack_config_test_lib.o: In function `main': umfpack_config_test_lib.cpp:(.text+0x59): undefined reference to `umfpack_di_symbolic(int, int, int const*, int const*, double const*, void**, double const*, double*)' umfpack_config_test_lib.cpp:(.text+0x91): undefined reference to `umfpack_di_numeric(int const*, int const*, double const*, void*, void**, double const*, double*)' umfpack_config_test_lib.cpp:(.text+0x9c): undefined reference to `umfpack_di_free_symbolic(void**)' umfpack_config_test_lib.cpp:(.text+0xe5): undefined reference to `umfpack_di_solve(int, int const*, int const*, double const*, double*, double const*, void*, double const*, double*)' umfpack_config_test_lib.cpp:(.text+0xf0): undefined reference to `umfpack_di_free_numeric(void**)' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status Running 'ar t' on libumfpack.a indicates that it is available. Any hints? ilmar _______________________________________________ DOLFIN-dev mailing list DOLFIN-dev@xxxxxxxxxx DOLFIN-dev mailing list DOLFIN-dev@xxxxxxxxxx DOLFIN-dev mailing list DOLFIN-dev@xxxxxxxxxx DOLFIN-dev mailing list DOLFIN-dev@xxxxxxxxxx DOLFIN-dev mailing list DOLFIN-dev@xxxxxxxxxx
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