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Re: [HG DOLFIN] Use symmetric gradient in variational form in elasticity demo


Anders Logg wrote:
On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 11:21:59AM +0100, Garth N. Wells wrote:

DOLFIN wrote:
One or more new changesets pushed to the primary dolfin repository.
A short summary of the last three changesets is included below.

changeset:   4754:23602808c60413cb8faffca818e7a8c04527d3ec
tag:         tip
user:        Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx>
date:        Sun Sep 14 19:46:40 2008 +0200
files:       demo/pde/elasticity/python/demo.py
Use symmetric gradient in variational form in elasticity demo

In particular reason for this? It is simpler (and still correct) to use the gradient.


To make the form and the matrix symmetric. I showed the demo to a
friend (in computational mechanics) and he insisted that we replace
grad(v) by epsilon(v).

He's wrong :). When you take the inner product A : B, where B is symmetric, the inner product only 'sees' the symmetric part of A. It's a classic exercise and you can prove it by writing out the indices.



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