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Bundle with basic linear algebra operators



Attached is a bundle with changes to the GenericMatrix interface regarding the 
operators +=, -= and axpy. These operators are also added in PyDOLFIN 
together with the + and -. 

I have implemented all operator= and copy constructors for the included 
Matrices, excluding STLMatrix. I kept the copy constructor explicit, and 
therefor I did not implement the the + or - operator. These can be added, but 
will lead to unnesessary many temporary matrix objects.

I have cleaned up in the swig la interface files.

I added a unit test for the added operators in Python, for all backends, and a 
dummy unit test in cpp. We should fill that one out...

Now I know alot more about operators, copy constructors and swig interface 
files, than I did three days ago :)


Attachment: dolfin-hake-2008-09-30.hg
Description: Binary data

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