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[HG DOLFIN] Minor simula-scons update.


One or more new changesets pushed to the primary dolfin repository.
A short summary of the last three changesets is included below.

changeset:   5217:7ef49b3d525fed802af64d2c1392ee7aa5c3feec
tag:         tip
user:        Johannes Ring <johannr@xxxxxxxxx>
date:        Wed Dec 03 11:48:40 2008 +0100
files:       dolfin/SConscript scons/simula-scons/simula_scons/__init__.py scons/simula-scons/simula_scons/_module.py scons/simula-scons/simula_scons/pkgconfiggenerators/cholmod.py scons/simula-scons/simula_scons/pkgconfiggenerators/umfpack.py
Minor simula-scons update.

changeset:   5216:c0cb46f6bb32e69b5e5fa14083dcb7c7befd9f0e
user:        Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx>
date:        Wed Dec 03 00:16:25 2008 +0100
files:       demo/pde/poisson/python/demo.py dolfin/swig/dolfin_fem_pre.i dolfin/swig/dolfin_function_pre.i site-packages/dolfin/__init__.py site-packages/dolfin/bc.py site-packages/dolfin/constant.py site-packages/dolfin/function.py
Work on Python interface:
- Add class Constant to Python interface, only scalars so far
- Remove Python-implementation of *BC classes, should not be needed
  now that the FunctionSpace is an argument to the constructor (nice)
- Seems to be a problem with SubDomain, the wrapping of simple_array
  does not seem to work (anyone knows why?)

changeset:   5215:bb803b625b3b591511066e8bb32ce9e450f95d98
user:        Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx>
date:        Tue Dec 02 11:38:20 2008 +0100
files:       dolfin/function/SpecialFunctions.h site-packages/dolfin/function.py
Minor formatting fixes

For more details, visit http://www.fenics.org/hg/dolfin