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Re: Remaining issues


On Wednesday 31 December 2008 09:48:32 Garth N. Wells wrote:
> Anders Logg wrote:
> > There seem to be only a few issues remaining before we can make a new
> > release:
> >
> > 1. Fix problem with shared_ptr in EpetraMatrix.
> If Johan can't fix this easily in PyDOLFIN, I can just add an extra
> member function for the time being to EpetraMatrix (as is done in
> EpetraVector).

It is true that I have looked into it, but I havn't got it worked yet. It is 
also notoriously difficult to debug and a small change will trigger a 
regeneration of the swig file... I have a proof of principle code (nothing 
related to DOLFIN) up and running with wrapped shared_ptr, that works in 
python, but as mentioned I have not got it work for PyDOLFIN and I do not 
think I will have anything up and running before the release.

> It would be nice if the Epetra classes could be completed in the near
> future. There is quite some functionality missing.

While at it. The set function in the EpetraVector will segfault from python. 
Uncomment the part that test the Epetra la interface in 


for an illustration.

Running this test I also got an error when using the wrapped operator() in the 
PETScMatrix from python. This function just calls the get() function, which 

   RuntimeError: *** Assertion (A) [at dolfin/la/PETScMatrix.cpp:210 in get()]


> > 2. Fix problem with using PETSc C++ interface in PETSc classes.
> I'll take a look at this.
> We could ask the maintainer of the Debian package to add C++ support in
> future packages.
> PETSc 3 is out now. Should we move to it after the next release?
> > 3. Maybe fix assemble_system. It currently seems to be broken. To
> > test, set the "symmetric" option in the DG demo:
> >
> >   dolfin_set("symmetric", True)
> >
> > Is anyone going to look at assemble_system now?
> I looked at it a while ago and the results looked ok for DG demo. I'll
> take a look again. It's an important feature, so it should be fixed
> before a release.
> Garth
> Otherwise, we can
> > leave it as it is. I've added a warning:
> >
> >   warning("assemble_system() may not give correct results for forms
> > involving facet integrals.");
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
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