On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 10:07:13PM +0000, Garth N. Wells wrote:
Kristian Valen-Sendstad wrote:
On Thu, March 12, 2009 14:25, Kristian Valen-Sendstad wrote:
There seems to be a bug in the periodic boundary conditions demo
located in
It does not do what one would expect, and there are lots of "PETSC
in both python and cpp.
Do you use the latest development version? If so, I think you have the
same problems as the buildbot.
Yes, I do.
However, Johan Elon Hake came to the rescue and set the linear algebra
backend to uBLAS, which solved the problem.
It would be nice to figure out what the cause of the problem is with
PETSc. What are the first few lines of the error message?
I get the same thing on my machine and I guess everyone does:
Applying periodic boundary conditions to linear system.
[0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
[0]PETSC ERROR: Object is in wrong state!
[0]PETSC ERROR: Not for unassembled matrix!
The problem is most likely a mix of calling A.ident(), getrow() and
not appropriately calling apply(). It should be fairly easy to fix but
I haven't had time to track it down.