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Re: Mesh Refinement


I dont get that output. I get this:

"No cells marked for refinement, assuming uniform mesh refinement."

I followed the instructions for Jaunty on
http://www.fenics.org/wiki/Download. Could I have an older version? If
so, whats the best course of action...download the latest source and
compile it?


On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Bartosz Sawicki<sawickib@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Jehanzeb Hameed wrote:
>> I cant get the material indicators to update, as well as boundary
>> markers. For example,
>> MeshFunction<dolfin::uint> *materialFunc =
>> mesh.data().mesh_function("material indicators");
>> gives materialFunc  = 0 after mesh refinement (it works fine before
>> mesh refinement). I am refining my mesh by
>> mesh.refine();
>> Am I missing something?
> Looks fine, but what is on output? You should see following messages:
>  Refining simplicial mesh by recursive Rivara bisection.
>  MeshData MeshFunction "material indicators" transformed.
>  MeshData "boundary indicators" transformed.
> cheers,
> BArtek
>> -Jehanzeb
>> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 10:46 AM, Bartosz Sawicki<sawickib@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> Jehanzeb Hameed wrote:
>>>> I am still struggling with this....
>>>> I am trying to store subdomain identifiers in meshdata object, so that
>>>> they get updated when the mesh is refined. To do this, I have a file,
>>>> mesh.xml. In that file, there is a tag named "data". The "data" tag
>>>> has a child "array" with name = "material indicators". So, now when I
>>>> create mesh, will my meshdata have this array?
>>> Not really. Tag <data> can contain arrays, meshfunctions and mappings.
>>> "material indicators" has to be stored in meshfunction.
>>> I'll send you example of xml mesh file with material data directly on
>>> your
>>> email.
>>>> And how do I create cell dependent functions. The example in Dolfin
>>>> user manual seems outdated. I think I need to use UFCfunction, but
>>>> what do I pass as Function arguement to its constructor (if
>>>> UFCfunction is indeed the correct way to go).
>>> Maybe you can use UFCFunction to initialize MeshFunction, but for me more
>>> natural is using MeshFunction constructors.
>>> http://www.fenics.org/pub/documents/dolfin/dolfin-progr-reference/d0/d94/classdolfin_1_1MeshFunction.html
>>> For example if want to have meshfunction defined over tetrahedral:
>>> MeshFunction meshfunction(mesh, 3);
>>> cheers,
>>> BArtek
>>>> -Jehanzeb
>>>> On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Bartosz
>>>> Sawicki<sawickib@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Jehanzeb Hameed wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I am new to Dolfin, and was wondering how subdomains are supported as
>>>>>> regards to mesh reading and refinement. In my case, I will have a
>>>>>> mesh, with 2 subdomains. Each cell has an identifier indicating which
>>>>>> domain it belongs to. Looking at the examples, it seems I will need to
>>>>>> store domain identifiers in a separate xml file. Is that correct?
>>>>> Subdomain identifiers can be stored in different ways, as a separate
>>>>> MeshFunction, or in the MeshData structure.
>>>>> I prefer MeshData, because it is directly included in the Mesh object.
>>>>> You can also store boundary indicators using MeshData structure, see
>>>>> demo/pde/bcs.
>>>>>> With regard to mesh refinement, I assume I will be able to define
>>>>>> subdomains for each domain based on cell identifiers. Now, when I
>>>>>> refine the mesh, will the subdomains also be updated (i.e. will dolfin
>>>>>> know what domain the new cells belong to) ?
>>>>> If you name your MeshFunction "material indicators" it will be
>>>>> transformed
>>>>> to follow refined mesh. Arrays which store boundary indicators will be
>>>>> updated too.
>>>>> See LocalMeshRefinement::transformMeshData()
>>>>>> Also, is there a way to read archives of this list?
>>>>> Yes, there is http://www.fenics.org/pipermail/dolfin-dev/
>>>>> regrds.
>>>>> BArtek
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> -Jehanzeb
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