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Re: [UFL-dev] A form-based approach to isoparametry


Peter Brune wrote:
Ah, let me explain further: The reason I have the two vector spaces -- affine and iso, is so that I can reverse the affine transformation before applying the isoparametric transformation. Today I found a small bug in my isoparametric transformer, and now I'm sure stokes works; the pretty example showing the differences between refined affine and unrefined isoparametric is coming along! We want to get rid of having to transform back to the reference using the affine coefficient space before this is ready to be used. I have been looking through UFL and FFC for a good way to drop in a new jacobian. Passing the new jacobian to FFC is really easy using metadata... using it is harder.
So, anyone else have any tips on that?  Here's the MAJOR issue I can 
see cropping up -- I can pepper the form itself with the new Jacobian 
in order to transform function (derivatives) affinely, but other 
transformations (co/contravariant Piola anyone?) will not work like this.
If you can do the stiffness matrix, you should also be able to do 
co-/contravariant Piolas?
