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Re: [UFL-dev] A form-based approach to isoparametry


On Tue, 7 Jul 2009, Peter Brune wrote:

Ah, let me explain further: The reason I have the two vector spaces -- affine and iso, is so that I can
reverse the affine transformation before applying the isoparametric transformation.  Today I found a small
bug in my isoparametric transformer, and now I'm sure stokes works; the pretty example showing the
differences between refined affine and unrefined isoparametric is coming along!  We want to get rid of having
to transform back to the reference using the affine coefficient space before this is ready to be used.  I
have been looking through UFL and FFC for a good way to drop in a new jacobian.  Passing the new jacobian to
FFC is really easy using metadata... using it is harder.

I'm a little unclear why you need to reverse the transformation.

So, anyone else have any tips on that?  Here's the MAJOR issue I can see cropping up -- I can pepper the form
itself with the new Jacobian in order to transform function (derivatives) affinely, but other transformations
(co/contravariant Piola anyone?) will not work like this.  I NEED to give FFC something that can be
manipulated like the pullback/pushforward between geometries to use the more interesting element types, or
even more interesting forms.   I need to be able to extract information like how a given basis function (and
its derivatives) transform at the UFL form-transformation level, OR I need to be able to change the Jacobian


It sounds like this is more complicated than it needs to be. But maybe I am missing something.

Currently, in the FFC generated form file, the jacobian inverse terms enter into the quadrature loop as constants. All one has to do is replace those constants by the variable jacobian terms that are determined by your local map. I did a manual modification of this and it seemed to work.

My view of this is that FFC would need to be extended to generate this code, which shouldn't be too bad given that you can pass a Function/FunctionSpace to the form file that represents the higher order mesh geometry.

The main point here is that you can pass a Function and FunctionSpace as a separate object to the form file, which we missed before.

- Shawn

On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Shawn Walker <walker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
      ok.  So, this is why you had those two spaces defined in the .ufl file. That way the form knows
      how to handle it.

      This sounds pretty good!  :)

      - Shawn

On Tue, 7 Jul 2009, Peter Brune wrote:

      It becomes a vector coefficient to the form.

      - Peter

      On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 12:04 AM, Shawn Walker <walker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
           Actually, I just realized a problem with what I was proposing.

           When you assemble the matrix, you loop through each triangle.  But the higher order
      mesh function
           is defined on a different function space.  How does the tabulate_tensor routine know
           triangle to access in the higher order mesh function?

           - Shawn

      On Mon, 6 Jul 2009, Anders Logg wrote:

           On Mon, Jul 06, 2009 at 09:34:43AM -0400, Shawn Walker wrote:

                 On Mon, 6 Jul 2009, Peter Brune wrote:

                       I'm working on some problems with sub/super/isoparametric elements
                       and have very quickly implemented it
                       entirely using UFL and a transformation of the form to include a
                       geometric coefficient.  This is done using
                       the transformation framework to append the geometric information to
                       the parts of the form that require

                       I had previously written calculations to include the coefficient
                       space for geometry by hand, but I talked
                       with Anders at ENUMATH and he told me more about the Transformer
                       machinery.  Right now, a Poisson form with
                       this looks like:

                       cell = triangle

                       iso_element = VectorElement("Lagrange", cell, 4)
                       aff_element = VectorElement("Lagrange", cell, 1)
                       element = FiniteElement("Lagrange", cell, 4)

                       iso_func = Function(iso_element)
                       affine_func = Function(aff_element)

                       u = TrialFunction(element)
                       v = TestFunction(element)
                       f = Function(element)

                       b = inner(grad(u), grad(v))
                       K = v*f

                       J = dot(inv(grad(iso_func)), grad(affine_func))
                       detJ = det(J)

                       a = apply_geometry(b, J)
                       L = apply_geometry(K, J)
                       a = a*dx
                       L = L*dx

                       Where apply_geometry applies a Transformer to the form in order to
                       include the geometric coefficients.

                       The benefits of this approach are:
                       1. General function spaces for the geometry -- no reliance on the
                       somewhat contradictory concept of "extra
                       vertices." on a simplex.
                       2. Uses all the already existing mechanisms for compilation and

                 How exactly do you represent the geometry as a function space?  We had
                 thought about this before and there was a problem (because you need a
                 mesh to create a function space in the furst place).

                       Right now I'm stuck transforming the affinely-transformed
                       components back to the reference and applying the
                       map.  The ideal would be appending something to the measure, which
                       is then appended to the form.  This might
                       look like:

                       J = grad(iso_func)
                       a = inner(grad(u), grad(v))*dx(0) + inner(grad(u), grad(v))*dx(1,
                       jacobian = J)
                       L = v*f*dx(0) + v*f*dx(1, jacobian = J)

                       With the form compiler then omitting the generation of the affine
                       Jacobian.  Like this we can easily have the
                       higher-order geometry only defined on, say, boundary cells where we
                       have a higher-order geometry defined. 
                       Otherwise the affine form can be used.

                 This is great.  There is some support for reading in higher order meshes
                 in DOLFIN now.  There is even a boolean parameter for saying which
                 triangles are curved and which are affine.

                 Please keep in mind that you may want to have triangles that are NOT on
                 the boundary to also be curved.  This is necessary if the mesh is highly
                 anisotropic (picture a wing with a very anisotropic curved mesh at the

                       Thoughts on how I should go about this?  I'm still generalizing my
                       transformer, but have run a demos of
                       simple forms (Poisson, Stokes) with no real problems; now I'm
                       moving onto what I actually want to do like
                       this, but improving the interface would be nice eventually.

                       - Peter Brune

                 So, you have done this in UFL?  Does that mean just the notation is
                 setup? I had done a hand modification of a poisson demo that reads in a
                 higher order mesh and computes the stiffness matrix on two triangles
                 (only one is curved) and compare it to a stiffness matrix computed by
                 other means.  I don't know if this will be useful for you; what I did was
                 a little hacky. Have you thought about how the higher order mesh would be
                 stored in an XML file?  I can resend the example I made (that shows
                 this), but it should be in the archive on DOLFIN.

                 I am traveling right now, so I won't be able to say much on this,

           I'm on vacation so I also won't have much to say about this right now,
           but the form-based approach is very appealing since (1) it is a simple
           layer on top of existing functionality (so we don't need to modify
           the form compilers) and (2) it is more general since we can use any
           Function to map the mesh from the reference geometry.

           We still have the problem of reading/storing the geometry and we
           concluded a while back that we didn't want to use Function for this,
           since it would create a circular dependency between the Mesh and
           Function classes. But if the mapping of the mesh can be stored
           separately from the mesh (as a coefficient in the form) then I guess
           this is no longer a problem. (?)


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