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Re: Buildbot


On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 11:42:45AM +0100, Garth N. Wells wrote:

> > I also get the same behavior on my laptop so it is not just the buildbot:
> >
> > [1]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
> > ------------------------------------
> > [1]PETSC ERROR: Nonconforming object sizes!
> > [1]PETSC ERROR: Sum of local lengths 565 does not equal global length
> > 564, my local length 282
> >   likely a call to VecSetSizes() or MatSetSizes() is wrong.
> > See http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/petsc-as/documentation/troubleshooting.html#PetscSplitOwnership!
> >
> > (This time PETSc was configured with SPOOLES instead of MUMPS.)
> >
> > What is also strange is that the corresponding Python demo
> > (demo/pde/poisson/python) is working very nicely.
> >
> I also have this problem.


Can you run

  mpirun -n 2 ./demo > poisson.log

and send the output so we can compare line by line. I've attached

When was this bug introduced? I'm pretty sure you've been able to run
the Poisson demo in parallel before on your machine.


> Garth
> > Johannes
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> DOLFIN-dev mailing list
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Process 0: Debug: creating local mesh data [at dolfin/mesh/MeshPartitioning.cpp:62 in partition()]
Process 0: Number of global vertices: 1089
Process 0: Number of global cells: 2048
Process 0: Debug: check [at dolfin/mesh/LocalMeshData.cpp:158 in broadcast_mesh_data()]
Process 0: Debug: check [at dolfin/mesh/LocalMeshData.cpp:172 in broadcast_mesh_data()]
Process 0: Sending 545 vertices to process 0, range is (0, 545)
Process 0: Sending 544 vertices to process 1, range is (545, 1089)
Process 0: Received 545 vertex coordinates
Process 0: Debug: check [at dolfin/mesh/LocalMeshData.cpp:191 in broadcast_mesh_data()]
Process 0: Received 545 vertex indices
Process 0: Debug: check [at dolfin/mesh/LocalMeshData.cpp:205 in broadcast_mesh_data()]
Process 0: Sending 1024 cells to process 0, range is (0, 1024)
Process 0: Sending 1024 cells to process 1, range is (1024, 2048)
Process 0: Received 1024 cell vertices
Process 0: Debug: created local mesh data [at dolfin/mesh/MeshPartitioning.cpp:64 in partition()]
Process 0: Partitioned mesh, edge cut is 39.
Process 1: Debug: creating local mesh data [at dolfin/mesh/MeshPartitioning.cpp:62 in partition()]
Process 1: Debug: check [at dolfin/mesh/LocalMeshData.cpp:228 in receive_mesh_data()]
Process 1: Debug: check [at dolfin/mesh/LocalMeshData.cpp:240 in receive_mesh_data()]
Process 1: Received 544 vertex coordinates
Process 1: Debug: check [at dolfin/mesh/LocalMeshData.cpp:248 in receive_mesh_data()]
Process 1: Received 544 vertex indices
Process 1: Debug: check [at dolfin/mesh/LocalMeshData.cpp:256 in receive_mesh_data()]
Process 1: Received 1024 cell vertices
Process 1: Debug: created local mesh data [at dolfin/mesh/MeshPartitioning.cpp:64 in partition()]
Process 1: Partitioned mesh, edge cut is 39.
Process 0: Building parallel dof map
Process 1: Building parallel dof map
Process 0: Finished building parallel dof map
Process 1: Finished building parallel dof map
Process 0: Building parallel dof map
Process 1: Building parallel dof map
Process 0: Finished building parallel dof map
Process 1: Finished building parallel dof map
Process 0: Building parallel dof map
Process 1: Building parallel dof map
Process 0: Finished building parallel dof map
Process 1: Finished building parallel dof map
Process 0: Solving linear variational problem
Process 1: Solving linear variational problem
  Process 0: Matrix of size 1089 x 1089 has 3847 nonzero entries.
  Process 0: Diagonal: 3573 (92.8776%), off-diagonal: 61 (1.58565%), non-local: 213 (5.53678%)
  Process 1: Matrix of size 1089 x 1089 has 3826 nonzero entries.
  Process 1: Diagonal: 3562 (93.0998%), off-diagonal: 60 (1.56822%), non-local: 204 (5.33194%)
  Process 0: Applying boundary conditions to linear system.
  Process 1: Applying boundary conditions to linear system.
  Process 0: Creating parallel PETSc Krylov solver (for LU factorization).
  Process 1: Creating parallel PETSc Krylov solver (for LU factorization).
  Process 0: Creating parallel PETSc Krylov solver (for LU factorization).
  Process 0: Solving linear system of size 1089 x 1089 (PETSc LU solver, mumps).
  Process 1: Creating parallel PETSc Krylov solver (for LU factorization).
  Process 1: Solving linear system of size 1089 x 1089 (PETSc LU solver, mumps).
Process 0: On screen plotting from C++ not yet working in parallel.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

Follow ups
