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Re: Testing for library version


Johannes Ring wrote:
On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 8:51 PM, Johan Hake <hake@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Sunday 27 September 2009 20:18:07 Garth N. Wells wrote:
Johan Hake wrote:
On Sunday 27 September 2009 19:49:09 Garth N. Wells wrote:
Where's the appropriate place in the build system to test for the
version number of external libraries? Is it in dolfin/SConscript (using
  the simula-scons function 'checkVersion')?
I do not think we have any defined sections in SConstruct/SConscript
where this should be done. We have used checkVersion to check for the
swig version some years ago... It is still there as out-commented code in
the SConscript file.

I think the function just compare a version string with another handed
version string, where the numbers are delimited by '.'.

Aren't there any version checks done in the pkg-config generator files?
No, but I guess that's not the place to do it since they are unrelated
to DOLFIN and just produce a foo.pc file.

I guest the right way is to use 'pkg-config --version foo.pc' rather
than checkVersion.
Again, checkVersion is just a function that check if a version string is
larger or equal than a passed version string. So the test might look something
like this:

 foo_version = getoutput("pkg-config --version foo.pc")
 if scons.checkVersion(foo_version,"3.0.0"):
     raise Error

Still, I don't know where this check is best performed.
Not sure either. I added an extensive check for the SWIG version in
SConscript. I have never felt good about that piece of code...

With the present state of the build system it is not easy to answer questions
like this. However it would be nice to add some functionality to the scons.cfg
file. Instead of passing a list of strings, stating the dependencies we pass a

Something like:

 OptDependencies = {'petsc':'3.0.0',

This is already possible. After a few minor bug fixes I ended up with
the following OptDependencies in dolfin/scons.cfg:

OptDependencies = {'petsc': '3.0.0',
                   'slepc': '3.0.0',
                   'scotch': '5.1',
                   'umfpack': '5.2.0',
                   'gts': '0.7.6',
                   'trilinos': '7.0.0',
                   'cholmod': '1.6.0',
                   'mtl4': '4',
                   'parmetis': '3.1',
                   'gmp': '4.2.4',
                   'zlib': '1.2.3'}

Very nice.


I'm not sure what the minimum requirements should be for the different
libraries so please update them if you know.

