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Message #19988
Re: Interface for variational problems with goal-oriented error control/adaptivity:
On Wednesday October 20 2010 13:24:17 Marie Rognes wrote:
> On 20. okt. 2010 21:51, Johan Hake wrote:
> >> Progress has been made towards the "real" implementation (aka in the c++
> >> core) of automated goal-oriented error control and adaptivity (cf email
> >> thread "Fwd: [Branch ~dolfin-core/dolfin/main] Rev 4734: Introduce
> >> functionality for automated error control and adaptivity" for background
> >> info.)
> >>
> >> Summary:
> >> ----------------
> >>
> >> Marie suggests the following interface:
> >>
> >> Same as for standard VariationalProblems, but with
> >>
> >> pde.solve(u, tol, M)
> >>
> >> where "tol" should be a (positive) real number and M a Form,
> >> representing the quantity of interest/goal.
> >>
> >> Main question:
> >> -----------------------
> >>
> >> Could the rest of you live happily with the above suggestion?
> >>
> >> Longer explanation:
> >> -------------------------------
> >>
> >> For solving a variational problem adaptively such that the error in a
> >> certain goal is controlled, the following algorithm is more or less
> >>
> >> standard:
> >> # Start with initial mesh T_0
> >>
> >> for i in (0, max_iterations):
> >> (1) find solution to variational problem on mesh T_i
> >> (2) estimate global error of solution
> >>
> >> (2b) stop if error is below tolerance
> >>
> >> (3) estimate local errors (indicators)
> >> (4) refine mesh T_i -> T_i+1 based on indicators
> >>
> >> Steps (2) and (3) depend on the variational problem, and requires the
> >> solving of additional variational problems (which can be derived from
> >> the original variational problem), and the evaluation of specific
> >> additional forms. In other words, these steps require a certain amount
> >> of expert knowledge. However, we can automate this by generating the
> >> required code.
> >>
> >> Here is an example of how this could work:
> >>
> >> Ex1.ufl:
> >> V = FiniteElement("CG", "triangle", 1)
> >> f = Coefficient(V)
> >> u = TrialFunction(V)
> >> v = TestFunction(V)
> >> a = dot(grad(u), grad(v))*dx
> >> L = f*v*dx
> >> M = u*dx
> >>
> >> Compile with:
> >> ffc -e -l dolfin Ex1.ufl
> >>
> >> (where -e == --with-error-control))
> >>
> >> FFC will then generate "DOLFIN code" for the forms and finite elements
> >> involved in a, L and M, additional forms/finite element spaces, and a
> >> (sub-)class
> >>
> >> Ex1::ErrorControl : dolfin::ErrorControl
> >>
> >> where dolfin::ErrorControl supplies the methods
> >>
> >> estimate_error(u)
> >> compute_error_indicators(u)
> >>
> >> The functionality of this class will take care of steps 2 and 3.
> >>
> >> The main file can then look as follows:
> >>
> >> main1.cpp:
> >> #include "Ex1.h"
> >>
> >> ...
> >>
> >> Ex1::FunctionSpace V(mesh)
> >> Ex1::BilinearForm a(V, V)
> >> Ex1::LinearForm L(V);
> >>
> >> VariationalProblem(a, L, ...);
> >>
> >> Function u(V);
> >> Ex1::GoalFunctional M(V);
> >> pde.solve(u, tol, M);
> >>
> >> Marie thinks this looks pretty clean and knows that it is doable
> >> (there is a (more or less) working prototype in the launchpad branches
> >> dolfin-error-control/ffc-error-control). (The error control
> >> class/object can attached to the GoalFunctional and hence available
> >> for the VariationalProblem.)
> >>
> >> Remark: If we want to increase explicitness/flexibility we could do
> >>
> >> something like instead:
> >> Ex1::ErrorControl ec(...);
> >> pde.solve(u, tol, M, ec);
> >
> > What kind of guy would ErrorControl be?
> The good guy? ;)
> ErrorControl (or maybe ErrorController or ErrorEstimator) should take
> care of estimating the error of an approximate solution u (to be used as
> a stopping criterion for mesh refinement) and computing error indicators
> (to be used for actual mesh refinement).
> Take a look at
> dolfin/adaptivity/ErrorControl.h
> from
> bzr branch lp:~dolfin-core/dolfin/error-control
> With the current plan, each generated sub-class will define the
> required, problem-specific forms.
Which a user need to do if she want to implement her own scheme? Is this guy
generated for you by UFL and FFC, or is the one in
dolfin/adaptivity/ErrorControl .h
always used in your prefered example.
> >> On the other side, if someone wants to supply their own error control,
> >> they probably want to control the entire adaptive algorithms as
> >> well.
> >
> > Can you give a schematical example of how a user would do that for both
> > of these suggestions?
> With the Marie-preferred suggestion, the code is as in main1.cpp.
> With the other (non-preferred suggestion), I say that if the user wants
> to do adaptivity in their own way, I suggest the user does adaptivity in
> their own way, namely, implements their own adaptive loop, their own
> error estimates, marking strategy etc. I would claim that the error
> estimation stage is the more difficult, so if the user knows how to do
> that, the remainder should be pretty easy. In essence, these are the
> steps in
> dolfin/adaptivity/AdaptiveSolver::solve(...)
> (in the above mentioned branch)
Agree! It just took some time to grasp the concepts, I am probably not there
yet ;)
> >> So, I suggest not. Other well-founded opinions are of course
> >> welcome ;)
> >>
> >> For nonlinear problems, however, a certain amount of differentiations
> >> of forms will be required. We therefore need to know what the unknown
> >> is, so that we can take the derivative of the forms with respect to
> >> it. Anders and Marie have discussed various alternatives quite a
> >> bit. In order not to "change everything", we suggest the following,
> >> namely, that the user is required to state which coefficient the
> >> unknown is:
> >>
> >> Ex2.ufl:
> >> V = FiniteElement("CG", "triangle", 1)
> >> f = Coefficient(V)
> >> u = Coefficient(V)
> >> v = TestFunction(V)
> >> F = u*dot(grad(u), grad(v))*dx - f*v*dx
> >> M = u*dx
> >>
> >> # Need to know what the unknown is
> >> unknown = u (!)
> >
> > It is probably what we need. Is M the prefered name for an error
> > functional? It makes me think of a Matrix with a particular name...
> Good point. We can easily adjust that.
> > I also first thought of making unknown a property of F, like:
> > F.unknown = u
> >
> > and thought this might be usefull in the python interface too.
> That is another possibility. If so, u would also need to be attached to
> M. I would prefer to keep the labelling as terse as possible.
Sure. For now just one error functional can be defined in a form file. The one
with name M, right? Would there be a need to be able to define several
functionals in the same file? If so should there be some sort of form
attribute for this purpose?
> Anders and I have been through (but rejected) a couple of other ideas,
> including
> (1) Making TrialFunction a special sub-class of Function instead of of
> Argument
> (Very sensible, consistentifies linear and nonlinear, but way radical)
What would a functional of u then be?
u = TrialFunction(V)
f = assemble(u*dx) ?
> (2) Introducing an additional sub-class Unknown of Function, thus
> identifying the unknown
> (Looks a bit weird, does not increase consistency with linear
> problems.)
I think this could work. The point with a linear problem is that the problem
can be described without the Unknown (=> Linear). Which means that a linear
problem wont have an Unknown.
> > But this is what you use the 'u' argument in pde.solve(u) to indicate?
> Yes and no. Without ever having looked at the nonlinear solver in
> DOLFIN, I assume that the u argument in pde.solve(u) is (primarily)
> needed for the updating in the Newton loop. The same need is there for
> the adaptive solve.
Sure, but you also use it to figure our the Unknown in the pure python code?
How could you otherwise do it?
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