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Re: Extending DOLFIN CMake scripts for CUDA interoperability


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To answer my own question: the issue is that CMake before 2.8.4 fails to
parse cache variables set on the command line containing an = (fixed in
2.8.4). A workaround is to set the variable type to STRING, i.e.
will fail whereas
will correctly set the variable VAR in the cache.

See the bug report: http://www.cmake.org/Bug/view.php?id=10356


On 19/01/11 14:25, Florian Rathgeber wrote:
> On 19/01/11 09:33, Anders Logg wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 06:54:32PM +0000, Florian Rathgeber wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I also finally managed to trace it down to the quotes in the
>> PACKAGE_VERSION define, but forgot to report that back right away, sorry
>> about that.
>> The reason behind it is some magic FindCUDA.cmake tries to do with
>> quotes in compiler flags which is apparently broken. I reported the bug
>> to the FindCUDA.cmake authors.
>>> FindFoo scripts may sometimes be broken, even those scripts that are
>>> shipped with CMake or as part of the libraries they are searching for
>>> so sometimes writing a new script is a better solution. If you can
>>> write a better script we can just include it in cmake/modules.
> The FindCUDA script does way more than merely finding CUDA components.
> It does all sorts of magic to enable compilation of .cu files with nvcc.
> I wouldn't dare trying to re-implement (let alone better) and it's quite
> mature in general (apart from this particular bug). It's a bit nasty in
> that it creates 2 cmake files for each .cu source, but this has to do
> with peculiarities of nvcc again.
> I did however place the current svn version of it in cmake/modules since
> it contains some fixes for CUDA 3.2 that are not in the version shipped
> with CMake 2.8.2.
> However I'm quite baffled why setting CMake cache entries on the command
> line doesn't work as it should (see below).
> Florian
>>> --
>>> Anders
>> The error you are seeing then is because I committed a broken
>> intermediate version so you can see the error. I'll push a new version
>> once I worked around the other problems I came across.
>> To follow up on the story of building DOLFIN with CUDA support and a bit
>> of background:
>> C for CUDA is basically an extension to C (C++ is mostly supported now).
>> The NVIDIA compiler nvcc splits CUDA source files in host and device
>> code parts, takes care of the device code and passes host C++ code to
>> the gcc host compiler. There are notorious incompatibilities between
>> certain nvcc and gcc versions. As of now (nvcc 3.2) gcc up to 4.4 is
>> supported in general, but there are problems with certain parts of the
>> STL (in particular pretty much everything from tr1) and even more so boost.
>> I posted some of the issues I encountered and workarounds in my replies
>> to this thread: http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=182890
>> So finally I got my code to build but still need to verify it actually
>> works.
>> One thing I'm still struggling is how to set nvcc flags from the
>> cmake.local script. There is a CMake cache variable CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS for
>> that, but setting it from the command line
>> (-DCUDA_NVCC_FLAGS="--ptxas-options=-v;--compiler-options=-D__builtin_isnormal=isnormal;--compiler-options=-DBOOST_UNORDERED_NO_HAS_MOVE_ASSIGN")
>> doesn't have any effect. I don't want to hard code these in the
>> CMakeLists.txt. Something as simple as -DCUDA_NVCC_FLAGS="-G" works though.
>> Florian
>> On 18/01/11 13:42, Johannes Ring wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 12:55 PM, Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 09:26:06AM +0100, Johannes Ring wrote:
>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 10:00 PM, Johan Hake <johan.hake@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>> It looks like changing:
>>>>>>>>  add_definitions(-DPACKAGE_VERSION="${DOLFIN_VERSION}")
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>  add_definitions(-DPACKAGE_VERSION=${DOLFIN_VERSION})
>>>>>>>> Fixed it. PACKAGE_VERSION got added to the defines in the call to nvcc and the
>>>>>>>> escaped quotes screwed things up.
>>>>>>>> Johannes: Are the quotes needed for something special? It compiles alright
>>>>>>>> without the quotes.
>>>>>>> It does not work for me when I remove the quotes:
>>>>>>> [ 50%] Building CXX object dolfin/CMakeFiles/dolfin.dir/main/init.cpp.o
>>>>>>> /home/johannr/src/bzr/dolfin/dolfin/main/init.cpp:15:53: error: too
>>>>>>> many decimal points in number
>>>>>>> /home/johannr/src/bzr/dolfin/dolfin/main/init.cpp: In function void
>>>>>>> dolfin::dolfin_init(int, char**):
>>>>>>> /home/johannr/src/bzr/dolfin/dolfin/main/init.cpp:15: error: expected
>>>>>>> primary-expression before ) token
>>>>>>> make[2]: *** [dolfin/CMakeFiles/dolfin.dir/main/init.cpp.o] Error 1
>>>>>>> make[1]: *** [dolfin/CMakeFiles/dolfin.dir/all] Error 2
>>>>>>> make: *** [all] Error 2
>>>>>>> However, I don't think the -DPACKAGE_VERSION flag is really needed. It
>>>>>>> only seems to be used in dolfin/common/constants.h for specifying the
>>>>>>> DOLFIN_VERSION. We can use CMake's configure_file command instead to
>>>>>>> set this value. How does that sound?
>>>>>> Good.
>>>>> Unfortunately, this turned out to be more involved than I thought so I
>>>>> went back to use the -DPACKAGE_VERSION flag. However, it seems to work
>>>>> better when the flag is added later, that is, after the call to
>>>>> find_package(CUDA). I couldn't really test this since my computer
>>>>> doesn't have a NVIDIA GPU but at least I managed to get the nvcc
>>>>> compiler running. It failed with a message complaining about that the
>>>>> file gpu_util.h could not be found. I guess this file comes with the
>>>>> NVIDIA drivers or something. Anyway, the DOLFIN development repository
>>>>> is now updated with this fix.
>>>>> Johannes
>>>>>>> Johannes
>>>>>>>> Johan
>>>>>>>> On Monday January 17 2011 09:41:26 Johan Hake wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Florian!
>>>>>>>>> I am no CMake expert nor have I ever compiled any CUDA code, but it looks
>>>>>>>>> like something fishy happens when you add your flags to the CUDA code
>>>>>>>>> generation step. Have you set it up correctly? I also get the erronious
>>>>>>>>> output from CMake for the nvcc call.
>>>>>>>>> What CMake command is used to set these flags? It almost seems like the
>>>>>>>>> eronious flags are set automatic? At least I cannot see that you put
>>>>>>>>> PACKAGE_VERSION to the NVCC flags anywhere. If they are automatically set,
>>>>>>>>> maybe there is a way to set them using one of the commands from
>>>>>>>>> FindCUDA.cmake?
>>>>>>>>> Johan
>>>>>>>>> On Friday January 14 2011 12:07:50 Florian Rathgeber wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> I'm currently trying to get my DOLFIN GPU code in shape but haven't
>>>>>>>>>> quite succeeded integrating it with DOLFIN's CMake build.
>>>>>>>>>> Now the FindCUDA.cmake script tries to propagate host compiler flags and
>>>>>>>>>> defines to the NVIDIA compiler nvcc but apparently messes up so I get a
>>>>>>>>>> compiler invocation looking like this (only the relevant part):
>>>>>>>>>>  -DPACKAGE_VERSION= 0.9.9+\" -Ddolfin_gpu_EXPORTS\" -Xcompiler
>>>>>>>>>> ,\"-fPIC\",\"-O2\",\"-g\"
>>>>>>>>>> Note the odd quoting and also the space after -DPACKAGE_VERSION=
>>>>>>>>>> This causes nvcc to assume this is a target and die:
>>>>>>>>>> nvcc fatal   : A single input file is required for a non-link phase when
>>>>>>>>>> an outputfile is specified
>>>>>>>>>> The code is at lp:~florian-rathgeber/dolfin/gpu-backend
>>>>>>>>>> The relevant section from dolfin/CMakeLists.txt (after all the other
>>>>>>>>>> packages)
>>>>>>>>>> <<<
>>>>>>>>>> # CUDA
>>>>>>>>>>   # Add CUDA sources (*.cu) only if CUDA is enabled
>>>>>>>>>>   foreach(DIR ${DOLFIN_DIRS})
>>>>>>>>>>     file(GLOB _CU_SOURCES ${DIR}/*.cu)
>>>>>>>>>>     list(APPEND CU_SOURCES ${_CU_SOURCES})
>>>>>>>>>>   endforeach()
>>>>>>>>>>   CUDA_ADD_LIBRARY(dolfin_gpu ${CU_SOURCES} SHARED)
>>>>>>>>>>   SET(DOLFIN_GPU_LIBRARY dolfin_gpu)
>>>>>>>>>> ${DOLFIN_GPU_LIBRARY})
>>>>>>>>>> endif()
>>>>>>>>>> # Cusp
>>>>>>>>>>     ${CUSP_INCLUDE_DIRS})
>>>>>>>>>> endif()
>>>>>>>>>> <<<
>>>>>>>>>> In CMakeLists.txt I check for the packages like this:
>>>>>>>>>> <<<
>>>>>>>>>> # Check for CUDA
>>>>>>>>>> if (DOLFIN_ENABLE_CUDA)
>>>>>>>>>>   find_package(CUDA)
>>>>>>>>>> endif()
>>>>>>>>>> # Check for Cusp
>>>>>>>>>> if (DOLFIN_ENABLE_CUSP)
>>>>>>>>>>   find_package(Cusp)
>>>>>>>>>> endif()
>>>>>>>>>> <<<
>>>>>>>>>> FindCUDA is the stock script from CMake 2.8, FindCusp is a simple script
>>>>>>>>>> I wrote which lives in cmake/modules
>>>>>>>>>> I'd be happy about any hints and tips. Garth, afair you wanted to look
>>>>>>>>>> into this at some point now that the new build system is in place?
>>>>>>>>>> Florian
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