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Re: curved elements


> It does support fractions, but maybe I don't quite follow your
> objection. It's difficult to give pointers when the code in question
> is secret....
Point #1:
pretty out in the open to me.  It just got left in the context where I
built it due to general apathy and frustration with FFC and the half-based
interface and implementation designs people were proposing.

Point #2: The error I get is:

Compiler stage 3: Optimizing intermediate representation
  Optimising expressions for cell integral
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/prbrune/fenics/fenics_tip/local/bin/ffc", line 176, in
  File "/home/prbrune/fenics/fenics_tip/local/bin/ffc", line 157, in main
    compile_form(ufd.forms, ufd.object_names, prefix, parameters)
line 145, in compile_form
    oir = optimize_ir(ir, parameters)
line 38, in optimize_ir
    oir_integrals = [_optimize_integral_ir(ir, parameters) for ir in
line 56, in _optimize_integral_ir
    oir = r.optimize_integral_ir(ir, parameters)
line 32, in optimize_integral_ir
    _simplify_expression(integrals, geo_consts, psi_tables_map)
line 60, in _simplify_expression
    value = optimise_code(val, ip_consts, geo_consts, t_set)
line 182, in optimise_code
    ip_expressions = ip_expr.expand().reduce_vartype(IP)
line 287, in reduce_vartype
    raise RuntimeError("This case is not handled")
RuntimeError: This case is not handled

from running  ffc -l dolfin -O --verbose Volume.ufl on the code in Point #3.

Point #3: Code that works with modern FEniCS tools:

I just spent a plane ride writing up a README and comments, but ask any
additional questions.  It turns out that P2 with P2 coordinates is
interestingly only 3X slower, so I don't know what's up with P1 (other than
very good optimization of the original assembly)  In any case I'm declaring

Point #4: I am not going to put substantial effort into this until June as
it is not part of my thesis.  Do with it what you will.

- Peter

Follow ups
