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Re: [Question #153448]: Importing mesh and entities


Question #153448 on DOLFIN changed:

B. Emek Abali posted a new comment:
<     The Abaqus 6.8 has Node->Element->Elset->Material
>     The Abaqus format first defines a node block, then there should be a number
>     of elements containing these nodes.
>             else:
>                 handler.warn("Invalid parameter syntax on line %d: %s" % (lineno, p))
>                 continue
<     elset2eid = {}
<     material2elsetnames = {}
<     material2eids = {}
>     eid2elset = {}
>     material2elsetids = {}
<     elsets = []
<     re_elset = re.compile(r"(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)")
< 		print 'Section: ', sect
< 		if "type" not in params and "elset" not in params:
<                    	handler.warn("Element on line %d doesn't declare TYPE" % (lineno,))
< 			supported_elem = False
< 		if "elset" in params:
< 			elsetname = params["elset"]
< 			elsets.append(elsetname)
< 			if re.search("generate", params_str):
< 				elset_loop=True
< 			else:
< 				elset_loop=False
< 			if re.search("internal", params_str):
< 				elset_internal=True
< 			else:
< 				elset_internal=False
< 			supported_elem = False
< 		else:
< 			tp = params["type"]
<                 	if tp not in ("c3d4", "dc3d4"):
<                     		handler.warn("Unsupported element type '%s' on line %d" % (tp, lineno))
<                     		supported_elem = False
<                 	else:
<                     		supported_elem = True
< 				elsetname = None
>                 if "type" not in params:
>                    handler.error("Element on line %d doesn't declare TYPE" %
>                             (lineno,))
>                 tp, elset = params["type"], params.get("elset")
>                 if tp not in ("c3d4", "dc3d4"):
>                     handler.warn("Unsupported element type '%s' on line %d" % (tp, lineno))
>                     supported_elem = False
>                 else:
>                     supported_elem = True
<                 material2elsetnames.setdefault(matname, []).append(params["elset"])
>                 material2elsetids.setdefault(matname, []).append(params["elset"])
<                 matname = read_params(params_spec, ["name"], lineno)["name"]
<                 materials.append(matname)
< 	    elif sect == "elset":
< 		elsetname = read_params(params_spec, ["elset"], lineno)["elset"]
< 		elsets.append(elsetname)
< 		print elsets
< 		if re.search("generate", params_str):
< 			elset_loop=True
< 		else:
< 			elset_loop=False
>                 name = read_params(params_spec, ["name"], lineno)["name"]
>                 materials.append(name)
<             else:
< 		print 'line ',lineno, ' is ignored start of it:', sect #handler.warn("Unsupported section type '%s' on line %d" % (sect, lineno))
< 	    continue
>             continue
<             if not supported_elem and elset_internal:
< 		    if elset_loop:
< 			m = re_elset.match(l)
< 			if m is None:
< 		        	handler.warn("Element set is not understood, line %d" % (lineno,))
< 				continue
< 			first, last, inc = [int(x) for x in m.groups()]
< 		    	if elsetname is None:
< 				handler.warn("Name of the element set is not known")
< 				continue
< 			eids = range(first,last+1,inc)
< 			if elsetname in elset2eid.keys():
< 				handler.warn("More than one element set: %s definition" % (elsetname,))
< 			print 'Element internal set ',elsetname,' has ',len(eids),' elements'
< 			elset2eid[elsetname] = eids	
< 		    else:
< 			if elsetname is None:
< 				handler.warn("Name of the element set is not known")
< 			else:
< 				handler.warn("Only element sets with generate are supported")                
< 		    continue
>             if not supported_elem:
>                 continue
<                 handler.warn("Blank line %d or sth. is bad, ignoring..." % (lineno,))
< 		continue
>                 handler.error("Node on line %d badly specified (expected 3 "
>                         "coordinates)" % (lineno,))
< 	    if elsetname is not None: 
< 		if elsetname in elset2eid.keys():
< 			print 'Adding cell ',idx,' to element set ',elsetname
< 			elset2eid[elsetname].append(idx)
< 		else:
< 			elset2eid[elsetname] = idx
< 	elif sect == "elset":
<             if elset_loop:
< 		m = re_elset.match(l)
< 	        if m is None:
<                 	handler.warn("Element set is not understood, line %d" % (lineno,))
< 			continue
< 		first, last, inc = [int(x) for x in m.groups()]
<             	if elsetname is None:
< 			handler.warn("Name of the element set is not known")
< 			continue
< 		eids = range(first,last+1,inc)
< 		if elsetname in elset2eid.keys():
< 			handler.warn("More than one element set: %s definition" % (elsetname,))
< 		elset2eid[elsetname] = eids
< 		print 'Element set ',elsetname,' has ',len(eids),' elements'
< 	    else:
< 		if elsetname is None:
< 			handler.warn("Name of the element set is not known")
< 		else:
< 			handler.warn("Only element sets with generate are supported")
>             eid2elset.setdefault(elset, set()).add(idx)
>     # Define the material function for the cells
>     num_entities = 0
>     for matname, elsetids in material2elsetids.items():
>         if matname not in materials:
>             handler.error("Unknown material %s referred to for element sets %s" %
>                     (matname, ", ".join(elsetids)))
>         num_entities += len(elsetids)
>     handler.start_meshfunction("material", 3, num_entities)
<     num_entities = 1
<         try: elsetnames = material2elsetnames[matname]
>         try: elsetids = material2elsetids[matname]
<             # No element sets for this material
>             # No elements for this material
< 	material2eids[i] = []
<         for j, elsetname in enumerate(elsetnames):
< 	    if elsetname in elsets: 
< 		print 'Element set ',elsetname,' for ',matname,' is found'
< 		material2eids[i].extend(elset2eid[elsetname])
< 	    else:
< 		handler.error("Material '%s' is assigned to undefined element set '%s', the known element sets: '%s'" % (matname, elsetname,elset2eid.keys()))
< 	num_entities +=len(material2eids[i])
< 	handler.start_meshfunction(matname, 3, len(elems))
< 	print 'adding ',len(material2eids[i]),' cells into ...',matname,'.xml'
< 	for eid in material2eids[i]:
< 		handler.add_entity_meshfunction(elemids.index(eid), i+1)
<     	handler.end_meshfunction()
<     handler.start_meshfunction("material", 3, len(elems))
<     print 'adding all material defined ',num_entities,' cells into ...-material.xml'
<     for i in material2eids.keys():
<         for eid in material2eids[i]:
< 		handler.add_entity_meshfunction(elemids.index(eid), i+1)
>         elsets = []
>         for eid in elsetids:
>             try: elsets.append(eid2elset[eid])
>             except KeyError:
>                 handler.error("Material '%s' is assigned to undefined element "
>                         "set '%s'" % (matname, eid))
>         for elset in elsets:
>             for elemid in elset:
>                 handler.add_entity_meshfunction(elemids.index(elemid), i)
<     print "Conversion done"

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