On 05/31/2011 09:01 AM, Garth N. Wells wrote:
I can't easily see what the doc make targets do. I did
make all_doc
but I can't see where the html files are.
If you want to generate and htmlify doc, do
make doc
Start from
cf commit:
revno: 5880.1.12
committer: Marie E. Rognes<meg@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: rognes
timestamp: Fri 2011-05-27 18:16:02 +0200
The following targets are now valid:
1. To generate reST files from code
make api_doc # Generate reST files from dolfin/ (Takes time
make demo_doc # Copy demo files from demo and add an index l
2. To generate html from reST files:
make html # Run sphinx in sphinx projects. Requires Sphi
# html generated in build/doc/sphinx-cpp/build
# build/doc/sphinx-python/build/html
3. To generate reST and html:
make doc # Do all: make api_doc + demo_doc + html. Requ
4. Other auxiliary targets:
make cpp_html # Run sphinx in C++ sphinx project. Require
make python_html # Run sphinx in Python sphinx project. Requ
make all_doc # make_api + demo_doc. Requires Sphinx.
I followed this by
make install
but can't find the docs in $PREFIX/share/dolfin. Where should I look?
I haven't touched make install.
make doc_install
which installs the sphinx-[cpp|python] directories under share/dolfin is
at the moment available from ~dolfin-core/dolfin/rognes