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Thoughts on release


B0;268;0cDear all,

What are your thoughts on a release of 1.0? One of the main obstacles,
at least for me personally has been the FEniCS book which has now been

Is there any interest in a code sprint this week, to try to have
something ready for the release by the end of the week? I'm up for it.

I see two different options:

1. Merge the milestons 0.9.12 and 1.0.0-rc1 and release 1.0.0-rc1 at
the end of the week. Then we collect (and maybe fix) bug reports
during the summer and aim for a release of 1.0 in August (possibly
after a 1.0.0-rc2 and rc3).

2. Finish up and release 0.9.12 this week and then go into release
mode in August with 1.0.0-rc1, 1.0.0-rc2, ..., 1.0.0.

In both cases (after releasing 1.0-rc1) we should only fix bugs (not
add new features or change the interface) before releasing 1.0.0.

I don't know when the Debian import freeze is, so it may have
implications on the choice we need to make.

Another thing to discuss is what should happen after 1.0.0. I think it
would be good to be much more conservative with interface changes than
what we have been. With the latest change to VariationalProblem, I
think we have converged pretty well so I don't foresee any big changes
will be needed.

This also relates to the policy in Debian for binary compatibility
with shared libraries which may prevent any big changes to the
interface. I think Johannes knows more about this.

So (1) or (2)? Or none of the above? In either case, I think we need
to make a common decision so we can coordinate and others know what to


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