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Re: Thoughts on release


Let me add to this that I know think we should "release" the new web
page (which is starting to look really good!) before the release of
1.0. That way, we can test adding documentation of released versions
(like 0.9.12) to the web page.


On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 12:38:11PM +0200, Anders Logg wrote:
> B0;268;0cDear all,
> What are your thoughts on a release of 1.0? One of the main obstacles,
> at least for me personally has been the FEniCS book which has now been
> submitted.
> Is there any interest in a code sprint this week, to try to have
> something ready for the release by the end of the week? I'm up for it.
> I see two different options:
> 1. Merge the milestons 0.9.12 and 1.0.0-rc1 and release 1.0.0-rc1 at
> the end of the week. Then we collect (and maybe fix) bug reports
> during the summer and aim for a release of 1.0 in August (possibly
> after a 1.0.0-rc2 and rc3).
> 2. Finish up and release 0.9.12 this week and then go into release
> mode in August with 1.0.0-rc1, 1.0.0-rc2, ..., 1.0.0.
> In both cases (after releasing 1.0-rc1) we should only fix bugs (not
> add new features or change the interface) before releasing 1.0.0.
> I don't know when the Debian import freeze is, so it may have
> implications on the choice we need to make.
> Another thing to discuss is what should happen after 1.0.0. I think it
> would be good to be much more conservative with interface changes than
> what we have been. With the latest change to VariationalProblem, I
> think we have converged pretty well so I don't foresee any big changes
> will be needed.
> This also relates to the policy in Debian for binary compatibility
> with shared libraries which may prevent any big changes to the
> interface. I think Johannes knows more about this.
> So (1) or (2)? Or none of the above? In either case, I think we need
> to make a common decision so we can coordinate and others know what to
> expect.
