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Re: STL Trouble?


Hi everyone,

we shipped with duetto the standard C++ library developed for the clang 
project. It still require some porting though, the issue is that 64bit integer 
support is assumed, while on duetto even 'long long' is 32bit.

We will need to fix this problem, what is weird though is that the compiler 
itself crashes. This should really not happen so please report a bug in our 
launchpad project, which is currently only accessible by people in the duetto-
beta-testers team (which should also be subscribed to this ML)


As another user on the ML as guessed compiling on the server or client side 
uses a different target, which also means different headers and libraries. But 
the compiler is exactly the same, although there are slight differences in what 
optimizations are possible. You may also find useful the automatic defines 

Alessandro Pignotti
CTO Leaning Technologies

> Hello everyone!
>     I am very excited to be a part of the Duetto beta! I am having some
> troubles with standard library, particularly with fstream, and iostream
> (the only headers I have had a problem with so far), whenever I include
> these headers, a bunch of garbldy gook (something beginning with an error
> in C:/duetto/include/c++/v1\chrono.h with:
> C:\duetto\include\c++\v1\ratio:256:20: error integer constant larger than
> the largest integer type: typedef ratio( 1LL, 10000000000000000000LL )
> atto;), and then the compiler crashes. Here is what I am entering into the
> command line: clang -target duetto -O3 -S -std=c++11 Main.cpp -o Main.js .
> The same error occurs if I do not include -O3 as well. Does anyone know if
> this is something I am doing, an error with the header, or if this is an
> error when compiling the client side?
> Thanks!
>  - TFB

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