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Re: Future Directions


If this is a dup, I apologize.  I tried to send this once, but I used
a bad e-mail address and I fear it got tossed.

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 7:23 AM, Kenneth Loafman<kenneth@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Team,
> What do you think should be the next major development thrust in
> duplicity?  I've got some generic ones, but you're in the trenches with
> more users than I see, so let's hear from you and get something going.

In the trenches with users?  In my case, I *am* the user. :-)

(By the way, what do you think of Launchpad's "Blueprints" feature?
Would that be a good venue for promoting ideas, or do you prefer we
stick to the mailing list?)

There's the I18N/L10N angle.  You probably noticed already that it's
an area I'm very interested in. :-)  Any work to be done in this area,
I'm happy to tackle it.

Being able to divide a backup set across more than one target at a
time would be cool.  I wrote more about this:

What do others think about a duplicity config file?  There are certain
options I use all the time.  I suppose they could be handled with
aliases, but the current CLI doesn't seem compatible with use of a
single, simple alias.  Also, are there Windows users in the house?
I'm not sure Windows has anything akin to "alias" in its shell.

Migrating the GnuPG code to GPGME might lessen the headache of keeping
up with GnuPG (if it is a headache?).  See:


I wanted to suggest migrating to setuptools to take advantage of some
of its cool features.  However, I just learned that the project has
reached a watershed: development has stagnated, users have alleged
neglect on the part of the maintainer, and someone has forked it to a
new project ("distribute") to get caught up on bugs it's accumulated.
So maybe it's a good time to wait on that.

That's probably more than enough for now!

Larry Gilbert
Computer geekery since 1976

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