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Re: Failing tests


On 11 November 2014 04:43, <edgar.soldin@xxxxxx> wrote:

> 1. how can i get the build log?

Well if you run locally you can see the errors.  Otherwise the build-failed
messages on this list have links.

> 2. how to run the same tests locally on my box?

python setup.py test

> 3. how to just run one test if it fails (was on the list, just ask for
> completeness here)

That's a little harder (the above command does some proper path-pointing
and such so you get the correct built versions of everything).  I haven't
tried in a while, but I believe there's a trick for this.

Either you could edit setup.py and change:
      test_suite = 'testing',
to something like:
      test_suite = 'testing.functional.test_final',

Or you could try to run nosetests directly and maybe point it at the right
things like:
PATH=./bin:$PATH nosetests testing/functional/test_final.py
or some such.  Haven't tried that recently.

Follow ups
