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Re: What it takes to be a dev


We have http://elementaryos.org/docs/developer-guide in progress for like

Pages that still need work:
http://elementaryos.org/docs/developer-guide/hello-world/nightly-builds -
do we need it at all?
http://elementaryos.org/docs/first-steps - it would be better to store the
modules somewhere else than in UbuntuOne, people get 503 with it far too

Also, I think we need to restructure the page, maybe slit basic features
and advanced setup... I'm not sure if we should scare people away with
translation support woes right away. And info about submitting code seems
scattered right now.

Regarding low traffic in this list: there are too few people in here for a
decent amount of traffic. The team should be owned by ~elementary-core, and
we should get more devs subscribed.

Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff

Follow ups
