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Some days ago I saw this application for optimizing the system. It aims at improve launch time on applications. It achieves this by directly prelinking the executables to their libraries so they don't have to look for them, if the library has been moved the application fallbacks to dynamic linking.

I have used it for a while and didn't seen anything against it, the only "bug" it has is that with glib 2.13 every prelinked application won't launch even it can hang at boot if this is prelinked, but since glib 2.13 is very old and not used this is dont have to worry us.

It only needs to prlink everything the first time and prelink any executable when installed/upgraded. For this a cron job does the work as prelink skips any prelinked executable.

From my point of view prelink should be included in Luna as it needs few things and makes app launch faster.

Follow ups
