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Launchpad team for all elementary members


Hello everybody,

I'm rolling out automatic crash reporting for elementary OS. The
problem about crashes is that they can contain sensitive information
(e.g. passwords in Geary or greeter and cookies in Midori), so they
should be kept private (if anybody is interested in further details,
refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CrashReporting). The Ubuntu approach
to handling it is subscribing a team of trusted developers which can
access those reports. We used to have such a team
(https://launchpad.net/~elementaryproject), but don't have an
equivalent for the new team structure. I think it would make sense to
create an equivalent team, e.g. ~elementary-members to include
~elementary-apps, -os, -design and -pantheon. It could be useful in
this and other cases.


Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff
OS integrator @ elementary

Follow ups