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CMake modules should be in version control


It's great to see that elementary has assembled a collection of CMake modules which help CMake work with Vala, GSettings and translations (see http://elementaryos.org/docs/first-steps).  We're using CMake for some projects at Yorba (currently Geary, and hopefully Shotwell soon as well) and these modules could be quite useful for us as well.

But it's too bad that these are currently being shared via a tarball stored on Ubuntu One - they should really be in version control somewhere (git or bzr) where we can all easily contribute and share changes.  It looks like Jakob Westhoff already has a git project for his Vala CMake modules which you guys are using - see https://github.com/jakobwesthoff/Vala_CMake.  Could the other elementary modules (GSettings, Translations and so on) be committed to his git repo?  Alternatively, maybe he'd be willing to merge his project into yours and you could host a Launchpad project with a repo with all these modules.  In any case, if we can get all these modules into any repo then we should add a link to it in the Third-Party Modules list at http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:Module_Maintainers .


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