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Re: CMake modules should be in version control



In fact, when a module is updated (by me, or by anyone which sends him to
me or pushes it), it is pushed there:
https://code.launchpad.net/~elementary-apps/+junk/cmake-modules (I've just
changed the owner, it was owned by me a moment ago).

Regarding Jakob Westhoff's git, yes, it would be cool if we could backport
our changes to his repo (we did a few changes to support some absolute path
like ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}, etc...). Maybe he would be interested in
the other modules.

However, I haven't a lot of time, so, it would be cool if someone could
contact him/review the changes of ValaPrecompile.

So, the link to get the modules on ubuntu one is not really the good one, I
think it is in the dev guide, or something like that?


2012/6/29 Adam Dingle <adam@xxxxxxxxx>

> It's great to see that elementary has assembled a collection of CMake
> modules which help CMake work with Vala, GSettings and translations (see
> http://elementaryos.org/docs/first-steps).  We're using CMake for some
> projects at Yorba (currently Geary, and hopefully Shotwell soon as well)
> and these modules could be quite useful for us as well.
> But it's too bad that these are currently being shared via a tarball
> stored on Ubuntu One - they should really be in version control somewhere
> (git or bzr) where we can all easily contribute and share changes.  It
> looks like Jakob Westhoff already has a git project for his Vala CMake
> modules which you guys are using - see
> https://github.com/jakobwesthoff/Vala_CMake.  Could the other elementary
> modules (GSettings, Translations and so on) be committed to his git repo?
>  Alternatively, maybe he'd be willing to merge his project into yours and
> you could host a Launchpad project with a repo with all these modules.  In
> any case, if we can get all these modules into any repo then we should add
> a link to it in the Third-Party Modules list at
> http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:Module_Maintainers .
> adam
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