Hi Nelson, sorry if I make it sound like if you are not interested in
community, I'm sure you are, It's just my opinion of how it looks
"from outside". Photos is changing a lot in the trunk branch, so
looks more open to big changes in the future (gui and functionally),
while shotwell looks more like a finished product, very stable. Looks
like both projects are in different steps in the software life cycle.
Also, you make a point. Shotwell is available in more distributions,
like Ubuntu, and that's attractive for contributors too.
I don't want to start a fight or something like that :). Both
projects can benefit each other.
Greetings and sorry for my English if I did any mitsake.
El sep 25, 2014 2:43 PM, "Jim Nelson" <jim@xxxxxxxxx> escribió:
On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 7:20 AM, Erasmo Marín
<erasmo.marin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Also, the guys at shotwell are accepting patches and contributions,
but they are not extending shotwell any more, so you have better
chances to get your branch accepted here, and photos is a more
active project.
I'm not sure how Shotwell can be accepting patches and contributions
and yet contributors not have a good chance of their branch being
accepted. Your logic is specious.
If you contribute to Shotwell, your branch and patches have as good
a chance as anywhere of being accepted. Yorba has high interest in
the community growing Shotwell. We do not blow off contributions.
If anything, we're eager to accept them.
Also know that your work on Shotwell will be available for all GNOME
Desktops, including Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint, and more. No matter
what's said here, Shotwell remains the most-used photo manager in
Linux today.
-- Jim