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elementary-driveby team mailing list archive

hello elementry drive by contributors


Hello everybody,
Why i mail you guys and girls. Because i would like to know who is active and what you are working on. I would also like to know how do you guys communicate and discus things. 
I am Kay van der Zander and i just signed up for this team.I am 21 years old and live in the Netherlands city called Tilburg.
I am an 4th year student of university of Fonty's in Eindhoven.Studying ICT-Technology. I have some experience in c, c++, c#, vala, gtk and some other stuff.I am also good with the hardware i have worked 4 years for an computer specialist shop called Mycom as  a technical team member.people from the netherlands an belgium will know it.
I am currently working on an better power plug. perhaps you have seen my google plus post.As you might know i am very active on google plus. so you could also contact me on google plus and hangouts.source code  https://code.launchpad.net/~kay20/+junk/powerplug.
Kind regards,Kay van der Zander