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Message #00396
[Blueprint apparmor] Enforce security with AppArmor
Blueprint changed by Daniel Fore:
Whiteboard changed:
Ubuntu's AppArmor profiles for Firefox and especially Evince can serve
as a base to build upon.
bodhi.zazen maintains a collection of AppArmor profiles at http://bodhizazen.net/aa-profiles
He also uses Midori as his main browser, perhaps we can ask him to write a profile for it?
There's also a collection at http://wiki.apparmor.net/index.php/Profiles
There doesn't seem to be enough time to look into this for the Luna
cycle. Pushing back to revisit in Luna +1 ~DanRabbit.
Agreed. It's a big change with lots of corner cases. --shnatsel
+ I'm going to mark this as obsolete since it seems the path forward is
+ container formats (snappy or flatpak). --DanRabbit
Enforce security with AppArmor