I agree with Johan; Garth was a top host! I had a great time, and I got
back to Sweden without having been run over!
Some things that came up, which we should pursue in one way or another:
* Dolfin: surface integration (boundary + internal for discontinuous
Galerkin etc.)
* Dolfin mesh: hierarchical vs single mesh mode (geometric vs algebraic
multigrid): support both.
* Dolfin mesh: refinement/coarsening: reimplementation of broken
Bey-algorihtm, test of "Matt-algorithm", test of simple split/collapse
algorithms + smoothing/flipping.
* DOLFIN: Full adaptive Navier-Stokes solver to be implemented (today
primal solver + broken mesh refinement in place)
* DOLFIN: Compressible flow module
* Dolfin: ALE + free surface modules
* Dolfin/FFC: automatic generation of error estimate/mesh indicators
* Dolfin build system: Scons or Cmake...
* Dolfin/FFC bc: assembly of strong bc directly in FFC (together with weak
* dolfin-dev + dolfin-stable
* Dolfin license: there seems to be an agreement on GPL -> LGPL
Hi all,
The FEniCS'06 workshop was very successful: many interesting
discussions came up, problems were overcome and new plans were made. I
also had a good time personally, and it seemed like everyone else did
as well.
I realize organizing a good conference is often unappreciated work.
But I think most people are aware that Garth provided the initial
conditions for the conference, so to speak, and had a hand in
essentially everything that happened. So in this case it's much
appreciated work, which I hope we'll be able to repay in kind in the
Garth mentioned at the end that it would be good to make a concrete
plan of all the things that came up. I think this is a good idea, and
it would be good if people could write down and post their plans while
it's still fresh.
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