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Re: Web page


Hey Anders,

So I like the general look and feel for the page, but I think right now it has a lot of info and is probably hard for a new person to discern which information is important to read. For example the news banner takes up about 1/3 of the page, it's important for users but they are probably getting that info through a mailing list already.

Some suggestions I would make are to either 1) move to a three column page with the middle being the largest (such as http://www.scipy.org/) or 2) combine all the links and make them drop down (for example have a link docs which has (about, contact, wiki, and gallery)) then you could have more room for links on the main link bar.


Anders Logg wrote:
I have experimented with the web page:


I wanted to add visible links to the wiki, the repositories and
bugzilla, but I'm not perfectly happy with the way it turned out (it
looks ugly).

Any suggestions or opinions? For example, do we want to keep the
orange theme for the buttons and links? (It looks a little pale.)


FEniCS-dev mailing list


Andy Terrel
Computer Science Dept
University of Chicago

Flying is simple. You just throw yourself at the ground and miss.
             -Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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