Hi all,
We have discussed a few times before how to organize a collection of
solvers on fenics.org (with limited success). One obstacle we had was
that no one was willing to maintain the solvers, but this does not
mean that we can't find (another) good solution.
My suggestion would be that we set up a (very loose) framework for
solvers based on FEniCS (in particular DOLFIN). We can have some
common requirements for solvers, like having a web page on the wiki,
needing to state which version of the other packages it depends on,
having a compatible license (GPL or LGPL) etc. The point would be to
make it easy to add solvers. We would have a common page for all
solvers, which lists the available solvers and link to that page from
the main page.
If this sounds reasonable, we can discuss exactly which (few)
requirements we want to make and get this going soon. I know that
Johan^2 have an FSI solver they can add, and Kristian has a plasticity
solver that can be added. Others may follow.
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