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FEniCS Documentation, file names



I think now is a good time to settle on a naming convention for the file names in the documentation source directory.
The naming is now inconsistent at best because I tried to give each file a unique name since we did not know how the directory structure should look like.

Now, for instance, we have (in source/):

./programmers-reference/appendices/appendices.rst   (index page for appendices)
./programmers-reference/appendices/ffc/ffc_index.rst (another index page)

./demos/demos.rst (index page for demos)
./demos/cpp/cpp_demos.rst (another index page)
./demos/python/python_demos.rst (yet another index page)
./demos/cpp/pde/cpp_poisson.rst (C++ version of Poisson)
./demos/python/pde/python_poisson.rst (Python version of Poisson)

Would it be better to simply skip all cpp_ and python_ (should be clear from the path) and simply use index.rst for index pages?
We should probably also insert one more level in the demos directory such that demos/cpp/pde/cpp_poisson.rst --> demos/cpp/pde/poisson/poisson.rst

Then the names would be:


./demos/common/pde/poisson/results.txt   (if we want to show some results too, we can also share that)

It might be confusing to have a lot of files opened that all have the name 'index.rst', but the names will be a lot shorter.


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