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Message #00997
Re: FEniCS Demo documentation
On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Kristian Oelgaard
<k.b.oelgaard@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 23 June 2010 15:54, Johannes Ring <johannr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 3:40 PM, Harish Narayanan
>> <harish.mlists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On 6/23/10 3:26 PM, Johannes Ring wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 10:09 PM, Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Looks good. I noticed a couple of things:
>>>>> 1. It would be good if class names were in another font (like courier
>>>>> style), \texttt{VariationalProblem} etc
>>>>> 2. Would it be better with another variable name instead of h since
>>>>> that will be used as mesh size in other demos. Why not g?
>>>>> 3. Is the normal flux + or - grad(u).n? I think of it as -grad(u).n.
>>>>> 4. Typo in "The implemented in a single Python file"
>>>>> 5. g is used in (f, g) instead of h (but maybe h should be changed to g)
>>>>> The documentation seems to be coming along pretty well. It may be time
>>>>> for you to ask people to contribute specific parts. For example,
>>>>> Johannes and Harish could contribute with some documentation of how to
>>>>> get Debian/Ubuntu packages and building with Dorsal. Others can
>>>>> contribute with writing specific pages for the programmer's
>>>>> reference, and Hans Petter can contribute with preparing his tutorial
>>>>> in reST (and split it in Python and C++ versions).
>>>> Here is a patch (attached) for installation instructions on Debian and Ubuntu.
>>>> BTW, it seems like sections '=', subsections '-', and subsubsetions
>>>> '^' looks the same. Why is that?
>>> Take a look at the generated HTML code. Perhaps these symbols result in
>>> different classes all having the same CSS associated with them.
>> I have created the section
>> Ubuntu
>> ======
>> and the subsection
>> The FEniCS PPA
>> --------------
>> and they look very similar. After looking at the generated HTML code I
>> see that they are not exactly the same:
>> <div class="section" id="ubuntu">
>> <h3>Ubuntu<a class="headerlink" href="#ubuntu" title="Permalink to
>> this headline">¶</a></h3>
>> and
>> <div class="section" id="the-fenics-ppa">
>> <h4>The FEniCS PPA<a class="headerlink" href="#the-fenics-ppa"
>> title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h4>
>> Both have class="section" and I tried to change it to subsection but
>> it didn't have any effect. It would be nice if sections and
>> subsections were looking more different.
> Since '==' and '--' both end up as class=section, I guess our only
> option is to modify <h3> and <h4> in whatever css we use.
> Let's worry about style later, it would be nice to use the same style as:
> http://new.fenics.org/Main_Page
OK, that's fine.